Erin is ten, a reall swingwing ten. Aside from the normal ages and stages her personality has changed very little. Easy going, friendly, rather old fashioned, Erin enjoys people and life. She is very popular at school and well liked by her close friends. She is warm and sensitive and needs lots of encouragement. Erin loves music, dancing (a natural go – go girl)!
Erin is inclined to be a little lazy about chores, arithmetic and has gone through several unsuccessful hobbies, but I think her forte lies somewhere between acting and modelling. When a member of the family is sick, Erin is the nurse. She shows unusual insight and understanding in human suffering and problems for her age. Over protective of her sisters and yet quarrelsome on occasion. Erin is a very cheerful, optimistic girl.
I hope she will stay as sweet as she is now.
[Written by her mother, Sandra, for a childhood personality development seminar for the Big Sisters Association.]